If you enjoy an altar decorated with fresh flowers, lighted candles at the altar, colorful banners displayed in the church sanctuary, and preparing for special events like communion and baptisms, you are a perfect fit for an Altar Guild volunteer.
Volunteers provide ushering needs at Hope Lutheran for worship service on Sunday morning. This includes greeting and handing out service bulletins, gathering prayer cards and offerings, providing assistance with communion, and attendance counts.
Greet members of the congregation on Sunday morning and welcome any guests/visitors to Hope Lutheran Church San Diego.
Hope Lutheran Church San Diego sponsors a quilting group called "Sew Holy” meets the 2nd Thursday of each month at 1:00pm in the fellowship room. The quilts are shipped via Lutheran World Relief to those in need around the world. All supplies for making our quilts are donated and no current knowledge of quilt making is necessary to be a part of the group. All are welcome. If you would like additional information about Lutheran World Relief go to http://www.lwr.or
Hope Lutheran Church San Diego facilitates a Bible Study every Friday morning at 10:00am. This study group is open to everyone. The group currently meets at the Tait Street location. A book of the Bible is studied and our time is closed with a prayer. Come study the word of God. We're excited to have you join the group!
Are you passionate about what you are doing? Let us know! We are always looking for volunteers to help us make our vision a reality. We'll help you find a way to volunteer that best suits you. We're excited to have you join the team.
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